September 20, 2024

Good Wine News

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Terroirist: A Daily Wine Blog » Daily Wine News: Pondering the Future

Posted by | Posted in Wine News | Posted on 08-11-2023

In the New York Times, Eric Asimov ponders the future of Albariño in Rías Baixas. “Since Rías Baixas became an appellation in 1988, growers and winemakers have been encouraged to produce albariño and plenty of it. The result has been a popular commodity wine: cheap, aromatic, easy to drink and forget. In many people’s minds, that’s all albariño can be,” he writes. “Yet, as is so often the case with wine, ideas about a grape’s potential for complexity and aging become fixed not because of a grape’s actual limits but because few people have tried make anything more of it.”

Meanwhile, Jenn Rice introduces Wine Enthusiast readers to Albarín, not to be confused with Albariño. “Albarín is often confused for Albariño because of its similar name, even though they are quite different. While both are refreshing and acidic, Albariño boasts zesty citrus notes while Albarín features floral notes.”

With options growing for low-carbon shipping and freight, the wine industry is looking for new ways to lessen the climate impact of its global transportation network, says Betsy Andrews, who reports on zero-emission wine shipping developments in SevenFifty Daily.

In Wine-Searcher, W. Blake Gray takes a look at how the 2023 vintage is shaping up for Napa.

In the San Francisco Chronicle, Jess Lander reports on two wineries that decided to make wine from other countries after the devastating 2020 vintage.

In Esquire, Omar Mamoon explores zero-zero wines for summer. “Zero zero wines are wild. They’re alive. They make you feel.”

Lettie Teague offers tips for pairing red wine with fish in the Wall Street Journal.

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