September 19, 2024

Good Wine News

Daily wine news, reviews, videos, wine shopping, wine gifts and accessories.

Best Wine Glass Ever? You Bet!

Experience the Best Wine Glass Ever with Copain de Vin—a captivating newcomer that’s quickly become my favorite. Discover why as you read on.


In 2019, I actively contributed to the development and perfection of the Eisch glass for Petite Sirah, collaborating with a board of Petite winemakers and Eisch’s Alan Zalayet. Despite my involvement in creating the Eisch glass, I must acknowledge that Copain de Vin’s wine glass offers an inspiring and unparalleled delivery of flavor, making it an extra special addition to your Petite Sirah experience.

And now, something quite exciting arrived, equally exciting is the Copain de Vin glass, for entirely different reasons.

“Stags’ Leap Garden.” Photoshop, Filter, Stylize, Oil Paint

Poetry, Are You kidding?

I’m weaving Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s, “How do I Love Thee,” into this story, because both are so unique and compelling. Copain de Vin created the most alluring wine glass ever held, while Elizabeth created the most classic love sonnet ever read. It’s a classic romance, when we put the glass together with the sonnet.

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s most quiet need.”

Copain de Vin Baby is born

Copain de Vin Baby is born

A Very Beautiful Glass Was Born

A curious query arrived, “Would you like a wine glass sample?” This prompting me to take a playful risk, despite the unusual nature of the request. With a hesitant yet intrigued response, I agreed, only to forget about it shortly after. To my surprise, the package arrived days later, battered and weary from its long journey. Its weary appearance, with a box that seemed to have recycled itself before arrival, hinted at the numerous flyer miles it had surely accumulated.

I opened a very tightly packed, well structure second box, then inside found yet another very sturdy container. The visual found was of a beautifully crafted, metal egg, which metaphorically had an “open me,” aura. Magic happened in that moment, it really did.  Even though I knew something fragile was about to be born, I carefully twisted and separated the egg. Oh, my, dear gawd. An incredibly beautiful glass was born before my very eyes.

The metal glass has an inside coated with what is similar to bubble wrap, but much sturdier. I learned this, as my wine lingered through the rest of my evening. It wine’s temperature never seemed to warm at all. It is just perfect egg-shaped, container, with insulation.

Copain de Vin Prelude

Copain de Vin Prelude

I Received No Paperwork on Any of This

I had to track down Copain de Vin (as seen on the bottom etched onto the bottom of the glass) to learn anything about them.

There’s a lot to learn about this wine related products company. Copain de Vin is top of the line in the wine accessories products, as a company. “At Copain de Vin, we believe that a corporate gift should be unique and original. We strive for gifts that leave a lasting impression. Our team is ready to fulfill your wishes in this regard.” Well, they certainly got my attention. So, I guess Copain de Vin has got that really down pat.

“VinVoyage: The Ideal Crystal Wine Glass for Outdoors”

Have I tried it? Oh, mais oui, right at my desk! Do I love it? Oh, yeah. Once opened, I opened up a Materra – Cunat Family Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc, and took it all for a spin. (Swirl, sniff, sip… heavenly.) That was when I started writing this.

Copain de Vin Trilogy

Copain de Vin Trilogy

The Company, By The Way, Is In The Netherlands.

Copain de Vin has created something truly unique in sales, by allowing for everyday investors. The psychologically advantage of “How To Build A Successful Business,” using some of our own techniques, by starting a kickstarter campaign! Of all things. How Clever! Take NOTE!

We have a lot to learn

We have a lot to learn

You Think You Know How To Market, America?

Who knew that the question “do you want a wine glass,” would make me hunger to know more and learn so much, while enjoying writing my story.

I learned about Disintermediation: Definition and Examples in Business & Finance years ago, while smaller companies try to get into the main stream, it’s the brooks that get us there. If one step after the other is taken, and it may be slower but we do reach the top.

I seemed to have been asked a simple question and then developed into a complex tapestry, which would continue this story. What I’m going to do is give you the Copain de Vin Kick Starter Link of wine glasses. This is pretty fancy, so go for it, if this is your fancy.  I applaud this new marketing to public, from a European nation. It’s very clever.

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