September 20, 2024

Good Wine News

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Daily Wine News: Scaremongering

Not Napa. (Flickr: bunnicula) Worried about arsenic in wine? Alder Yarrow thinks it’s “a bullshit, scaremongering story.” “Eleven years on from the release of Sideways, the movie that put wine tourism on the map… the region in which it is set is arguably one of the least developed in terms of facilities for visitors.” Jancis Robinson tries to understand Santa Barbara’s struggle for tourism. Jon Bonné pens a farewell of sorts in the San Francisco Chronicle. “Wine Searcher lists more than 6.8 million different wines. If you tried one wine a day, it would take 18,617 years to try them all and you’d then be well behind...
Not Napa. (Flickr: bunnicula)

Not Napa. (Flickr: bunnicula)

Worried about arsenic in wine? Alder Yarrow thinks it’s “a bullshit, scaremongering story.”

“Eleven years on from the release of Sideways, the movie that put wine tourism on the map… the region in which it is set is arguably one of the least developed in terms of facilities for visitors.” Jancis Robinson tries to understand Santa Barbara’s struggle for tourism.

Jon Bonné pens a farewell of sorts in the San Francisco Chronicle.

“Wine Searcher lists more than 6.8 million different wines. If you tried one wine a day, it would take 18,617 years to try them all and you’d then be well behind the times with each new vintage growing the list further.” In Wine Searcher, Rebecca Gibb wonders if there’s too many wines in the world.

Sophie Barrett thinks “it’s f—ed up that most people in the wine business demand the “freshest” rosé on the market.”

In Grape Collective, Dorothy Gaiter talks with Paul Hobbs about Malbec’s rise, the influence of Robert Parker Jr., and his new Finger Lakes project.

In the Wall Street Journal, Lettie Teague profiles Mary Ewing-Mulligan, MW since 1993.

“Is a wine that costs four digits worth it?” Dave McIntyre finds out after sharing a bottle of Screaming Eagle with a friend in the Washington Post.

New York Daily News tries cake-flavored wines. The results sound horrific.

(c) Terroirist: A Daily Wine Blog – Read entire story here.