September 20, 2024

Good Wine News

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Factors That Influence a Wildfire & How We Can Protect Ourselves, Fire Chief Tuberville

Factors That Influence a Wildfire & How You Can Protect Ourselves, starring Geyserville’s Fire Chief Tuberville, and produced by Diaz Communications. This is not just meant for wine country, unlike my usual writing. It’s meant for every human being on planet earth, with a life to protect, who can take Fire Chief Marshall Tuberville’s message of how to prevent blazes, to heart. If you own a winery, so much the better.

(Picture: Marshall Tuberville, of Geyserville, CA, International Fire Buyer: Fire Chief of the Year honouree – Marshall Turbeville)


Well, actually, we must do this, for Mother Earth, if you’re reading this. I honestly wish that “Sesame Street” was still educating children. I discovered Fire Chief Marshall Tuberville at our local Geyserville Planning Committee meeting, and thought he’d make a great Marshal Marshall character. This Marshall has the best educational skills of any great speech, as seen in Convey your message, convince your audience, and confirm where they stand. A method from the master of rhetoric himself,” Aristotle. Speech Class 101

At a Geyserville Planning Committee meeting, Chief Marshall Tuberville got my attention the entire time he was speaking about fires he’s witnessed. I wasn’t forced into boredom; he was so provocative, knowledgeable, and riveting. Because he really got my attention, I joked with him that I wish Sesame Street was still going. My own private joke. At any level in life, Marshall educates any person within earshot. And, you really want to hear what he’s saying, if you’re inquisitive enough to be reading this.

Marshall Tuberville ~ Award Winning Fire Chief

Hometown: Geyserville, CA ~ Marshall is an extraordinary person, who holds a BS in both Civil Engineering and Forestry and Natural Resources from Cal Poly. His delivery is straight forward, and you realize that he has noting to do with “home town.” This man had international appeal. His message is universal. If we all got our boats in a row, we could REPEAT what we did in the 60s and 70s. Do you know that we closed a hole in the OZONE? That was just a dress rehearsal for what has to happen next. There are many layers to this one, and our brains were exercised to do this one… More of saving the planet.

Career History: Marshall began his career with the District as a Volunteer Firefighter in 1995 and was chosen to serve as Fire Chief in 2013. Marshall also began working for Cal Fire during the summer of 1995 and is currently a Battalion Chief. In addition to working for the District and for Cal Fire, Marshall also teaches forestry and fire classes at the Santa Rosa Junior College.

He’s all THAT! And, I saw someone I wanted to direct to deliver the message… Every effort counts and I’m thrilled that my social medial audience has so many opportunities for spreading the news!


Are You a Leader, Too?

Could you become a character to spread the word, like Marshall Tuberville. Just watch Breaking Boundaries, you’ll see a scientist holding back tears, as he envisions what’s ahead. David Attenborough Netflix documentary: Australian scientists break down in tears over climate crisis

I hope the above message has you understand what you can do about your homes and businesses… Not just in wine country, though, around home, wineries, and vines; it’s throughout the world… period.

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