September 19, 2024

Good Wine News

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Got Wine, Liquor, and Marijuana

Got Wine, Liquor, and Marijuana

Wine sales are down, and there are a lot of people talking about this, within my chosen field. Prohibitionists are loving it as they try to cash in on some guilt, while indoctrinate their religious beliefs in the process. I got a really obvious Email after I wrote, “The Neo-Prohibitionism Curtain?” which was basically quite revealing. The email’s contents was as a stark revelation, unveiling the underlying motives behind the lingering neo-prohibitionist mindset. In the face of mounting evidence, it seems that some individuals are still determined to cling to outdated beliefs and obstruct progress in this field.

Alcohol, Wine, and Marijuana, in a class of their own.

I then researched to find actuate marijuana sales numbers, albeit not actually expect to find anything concrete and I didn’t. Marijuana is not well establish in accurate, statistical data, yet. It’s the nebulous mystery of the three, due to it’s still emerging. I do, however, have my own 57 years of personal research, for comparing the other two. I’ve got that covered and will have my own thoughts, later.

The most fascinating is hard liquor of the three, chiefly do to a shift in sales and marketing. I’ve witnessed this, even in its subliminal.form of products being place into the daily culture of our favorite television shows.

The research revealed that the antioxidants in red wine can improve vascular health, allowing more blood flow, which helps maintain an erection. Red wine also can improve levels of testosterone, the hormone responsible for sex drive in men and women.

The research revealed that the antioxidants in red wine can improve vascular health, allowing more blood flow, which helps maintain an erection. Red wine also can improve levels of testosterone, the hormone responsible for sex drive in men and women.

One By One ~ Wine

Wine: I thought I was armed and danger after reading the French Paradox – The French Paradox and Beyond: Live Longer with Wine and the Mediterranean Lifestyle. In 199ish, I was working in a tasting room and mentioned that wine is good for your health. The guests had left. My boss sitting in the backroom heard me. She had no idea about The French Paradox. “Don’t you EVER bring that up again.”

Marijuana: I began that journey in late 60s. I only had one bad experiencing early on. The pot had had been laced with something else. I decided to never go to parties with people I didn’t know. Solved.

Hard Liquor: We Americans are so impressionability and television advertising dollars is the hook. It used to be two people discussing their current status over a glass of wine. Now they’re sitting in stylish and sophisticated settings around a bar counter.

The range is craft beer, which seems to start a ball rolling with Millennials. This is most likely due to alcohol companies giving network programming significantly higher advertising dollars. Wine companies cannot even begin to match that much money. So, television has switched from showing classy people enjoying hard alcohol, instead. There is a significant change for beverage-of-choice.

Smiling friends having glass of cocktail in bar

Smiling friends having glass of cocktail in bar

Liquor Is Quicker, To Also Kill

It’s just a reality check that we all know. There is a Chronic Diseases and Conditions Related to Alcohol that are quicker manifested in our bodies.

So, onto wines.

Talha are as old as dirt, in new designs at Herdade Aldeia de Cima

Talha are as old as dirt, in new designs. This one is at Herdade Aldeia de Cima, in the Alentejo region of Portugal.

Wine Is As Old As The Hills

Wine has been proven to improved cognitive function. It’s declared, on the books, and taking that away is another study to disprove it, by prohibitionists. What they do offer is Christianity as a solution. Yet, some studies suggest that moderate wine consumption may help protect against age-related cognitive decline and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. And, it’s such a social beverage.

Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes: The antioxidants in wine may help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Reduced risk of certain types of cancer: Moderate wine consumption has been linked to a lower risk of certain types of cancer, including colon, breast, and prostate cancer.


Cannabis leaf and bush in vitro. Cannabis cultivation concept for oil, medical purposes. Ai generative

Cannabis leaf and bush in vitro. Cannabis cultivation concept for oil, medical purposes. Ai generative

And Mary Jane?

Medical evidence with Marijuana is now beginning to exist, in addition to my own and friends having positive results. I realize it’s subjective, still I know from others sharing their stories about the relief marijuana has brought to their chronic pain. The history of marijuana research is all so new and its history is complex. It involves political, legal, and societal hurdles to clear. These roadblocks have deliberately impeded scientific progress, for decades. Researchers are finally able to conduct more rigorous and comprehensive studies.

Personally, I enjoy both wine and marijuana options, and ever so rarely, tequila is a luxury. Com’mon… I live in Sonoma County, the central seat is Santa Rosa. Mexican foods, people, are right here and so good.

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