September 20, 2024

Good Wine News

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Peter Stafford Bow: One of The Most Brilliant, Fictional Wine Writers

Peter Stafford Bow: One of The Most Brilliant, Fictional Wine Writers

…with, Eastern Promise, this time, of who done it…

When I get a query from wine novelist Peter Stafford-Bow to review his latest novel, as a sample, I go into hot sweats! Yes, Another one! As a living and breathing character, Peter Stafford-Bow is quite vivid. It should come as no surprise that you’ll be introduced to genius. So, strap in, because you’re going for another tumultuous ride. This novel is based mostly in China. I had to ask, “Have you actually been in a Chinese factory?” Yes he had. That meant he knows what I know, about differences and similarities.

Eastern Promise is bordering on the outlandish to the probably. Peter Stafford-Bow is keeping up with the times, creating what seems to be the unimaginable. Yet, I’ve lived through a few unimaginable segments of my wine business life, through some interesting people I’ve met along the way. My husband Jose equated it to a saying about New York City, having been raised there, “The City has the best and worst of all things imaginable.” And, so does the wine industry, because it’s just life in a snow globe. Shake it up and let the flakes fall where they may.

So, this crazy, dazy novel, called Eastern Promise: Main character Felix Hart (is the head of Great Britain’s largest supermarket chain), which is an immensely powerful job. This makes espionage a possible option for those wanting to dominate the world stage of wine. Felix is also fearless, so he finds it easy to naturally walk outside of the boundary lines. Felix is going to be bribed in ways that would make us all think twice about our own reputations. Then, the “I can handle this,” takes over again, and off he goes to China. At every page turned, it’s spellbinding.

Nearly finishing the read, you may have a problem with it. Loving it so much, speed reading may not be an option. The details are delicious, and just ruminating extends the pleasure.

Other Peter Stafford Bow novels, in order of publishing…

Peter Stafford-Bow ~ debut novel, entitled “Corkscrew

Corkscrew – the highly improbable, but occasionally true, tale of a professional wine buyer.

Corkscrew introduces Felix Hart, a true hero for our times and the greatest palate east of Napa. Join Felix in his relentless, alcohol-soaked climb to the summit of the international wine trade.

This is going to be a fun read. Anyone who’s read my Road Warrior Survivor Guide, which debuted in the print copy of Wine Business Monthly (August of 2001), knows there’s a sassy world out there.

With Peter Stafford-Bow being a professional wine buyer, the story’s characters are classic! Most sales people within the wine industry will recognize the personalities.

Brut Force follows Corkscrew in Rollicking Hilarity

Brut Force follows Corkscrew in Rollicking Hilarity, Outlandish Intrigue, and rooting for Felix Hart, Again

Another Sample Book: When Peter Stafford-Bow sent an email to me about his next novel called “Brut Force,” I told him I was ready for a little Brut Force. Fortunately, I knew who I was talking to, so I wouldn’t be accused of sexual harassment. We both had a good laugh. Peter Stafford-Bow outdid himself again, in my humble opinion. I found Peter Stafford-Bow’s Corkscrew as the highly improbable, but an occasionally true tale of a professional wine buyer, and I loved it! Now, Brut Force I believe is also occasionally true, but am definitely hoping the improbable is more like impossible.

Felix Hart is Peter Stafford-Bow’s character of a professional wine buyer, who again steps in deep merde. If you think you can casually read this book, think again. It’s definitely a book that will have you leave everything else undone, until you get to the bottom of it; a.k.a, the last page that states “The End.”

Third novel…

Firing Blancs by Peter Stafford-Bow, You Won’t Believe Where It Goes

Always, the book’s outrageous covers are revealed within the body of the book. This one is so scandalously shocking, but this still might just be my white privilege talking. People do do the darndest things… Something very primal is an understatement for Peter Stafford-Bow’s latest novel Firing Blancs.

A (disgusting) rite-of-passage opens up a whirlpool of adventures, sucking our naughty hero Felix Hart into a cultural vortex of sub-primal essence. As a result of his wine sales and marketing job, Felix Hart is transported into a world of South African and female dominance. In many ways, it’s so dark with raw ethnicity and the sense of being on the other side of the coin. To be the only one who is on the outside looking in is very curious and cool at the same time for Felix.

If you’re just beginning the journey, take it one book at a time. It progressively grows with more and more bolder stories. Great plane or subway material, or just doing the split!


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