September 20, 2024

Good Wine News

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The Magnitude of Ron Rubin’s Ripples for his TRAINED FOR SAVING LIVES Dream

UPDATE: Since the below section was written, telling wine companies that the program has gone NATIONAL, within two days, this program has had 10 requests for the AED lifesaving devices. They are now in the 90 range.

Thank you to all wineries that have become part of this important workers’ well-being program.

The Magnitude of Ron Rubin’s Ripples


In an ever-evolving dream of generosity, Ron Rubin dropped a pebble into the vessel of wine philanthropy. It always begins with a dream, and then there’s no stopping the ripples of execution, it seems.

Ron Rubin, of River Road Family Vineyards and Winery, initiated his TRAINED FOR SAVING LIVES program, to give back to his community the same opportunity he had, the gift of life.

His “dream of giving another person a chance to live more days with family and friends,” became the distribution of 450 Automated External Defibrillators, to save one more person’s life, as his was saved. Ron decided to supply wineries with AED devices, that would make the difference for one more person. The value of each ZOLL Automated external defibrillator is $1,750.

At first the plan was going to only involve Sonoma County. There are approximately 450 wine companies in Sonoma. But, with some companies already having an AED, and calls coming in from Napa County, the program morphed into Sonoma and Napa. Then, the request came in from other California regions, and the ripples continued to move outward to the Sierras all the way down to Santa Barbara, and East to the Pacific Coast. California is covered pretty well.

With just more than 100 AEDs left, Ron Rubin decided to take it further outward, to a national level. Ron dropped the pebble in the pond, but had no idea of the depth and breadth that his program would take. He dared to dream, and now he is answering the call, one more time, as he comes to the finish shorelines, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, TRAINED FOR SAVING LIVES has reached another morphing stage.

If you are a wine company in the United States of America, and you want to take the sustainability and safety of your crew to heart, you now have the ability to save one of those hearts, should it ever be necessary.

Email Ron Rubin and he will ship an AED directly to you. Ron’s dream is now your opportunity.

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