September 20, 2024

Good Wine News

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Wildfires, Not Driven by Catastrophic Events, Can Be Better Managed Ahead of Time

We all had better get ready. Global warming is not going away any time soon. If you think you’re safe, think again. I DON’T want to be a voice of doom. I want to have a voice of preparedness and positive results. It can still happen, we have time.

Growing up on Lisbon Street in Lewiston, Maine, my greatest fear was that someday the house across the street was going to catch fire. It never did and I grew out of my fear, before I even moved on. Fast forward to my first 25 years in California, fires only happened in Southern California. But, by October 8, 2017, my fears came home to roost, with the Kinkade Fire. We helplessly watched…


“The Kincade Fire was a wildfire that burned in Sonoma County, California in the United States. The fire started northeast of Geyserville in The Geysers on 9:24 p.m., on October 23, 2019, and subsequently burned 77,758 acres (31,468 ha) until the fire was fully contained on November 6, 2019. The fire threatened over 90,000 structures and caused widespread evacuations throughout Sonoma County, including the communities of Geyserville, Healdsburg, Windsor, and Santa Rosa.” BTW, This was right outside our bedroom glass door window, essentially across the “ravine.”

It was only a few miles from where we’re living in Geyserville. Evacuated, for nine days, we stood on the west side of Highway 101, and watched the fires being put out, so they encroached on our home. Every day was filled with angst. What this prompted was a lot more preparedness, for everyone in Northern California. Everyone can thank our lucky starts that we have Chief Marshall Tuberville, as the Northern Sonoma County Fire Chief, right in our own home town. That said, when our fire broke out, our Fire Chief Marshall was already called to another fire, in Norther Santa Rosa, called the Tubbs Fire. Firefighters coming from Oregon, and as far away as Australia, to help us. Can you imagine!



My town is doomed, when you look at this picture I decided to take today. This neighborhood is going up in smoke in a New York second, if things don’t change.



Look at all of the fuel sources!

I can’t help but wonder… Are you are willing to watch this quick video, so you’ll begin your journey of preparedness? If you don’t watch it, you might have regrets when it’s too late, just as an FYI.

What’s just happened to Hawaii is immensely tragic. Anyone involved in a horrific fire knows too well the pain and suffering. And, it’s a reminder that if we want to be protected, Chief Marshall Tuberville’s words — well, a word to the wise, as Mom used to say, should be sufficient. I just had a drive through my own town, to see who is prepared for a worst case scenario, and there are major fails. And those who are prepared will suffer their consequences for remaining uncooperative. This should not have to happen, if we’d each do our own part. And, we’d damned well better get busy, to put it mildly.

Living in Northern California has taught me so much more besides my wine education. I’ve been learning preparedness, lest my worst fears still come to fruition. We’re ALL in this “global warning” together, people. And, this is around the world, not just in Tennessee or Mississippi. Global Warming, have you bought into it yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Northern Sonoma County Fire District – Geyserville Chief Marshall Turbeville talks about Available Resources For Wildfire Prevention – PLEASE watch as soon as possible. Time IS running out.

Cal fire resources and Fire Chief Marshall Tuberville leave no stone unturned for what has to happen.

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